Deck the Halls 2016: Rustic Deer Theme

Getting our home ready for Christmas is something we look froward to each year. The process begins months before when I start thinking about a decoration theme.  To keep the cost down I rotate pass decorations, repurpose things we have around our home, and DIY some projects.

This year’s theme is in honor of the Mercado family, my father-in-law is a big deer hunter. I wanted to make our Christmas home have a rustic deer hunting outdoorsy theme. The theme began to take shape when I purchased a papier-mâché deer head at Jo-Ann. I had an old window in storage that I hung above my dinner area buffet table. To make it more festive I added evergreen tree clippings, lights and pinecones.

I took some gilded paper to make deer silhouette ornaments.


With pinecones my boys collected last year I was able to make ornaments and use them all around the house.


I found glittery antlers at Michaels and made them into ornaments.


For a simple but elegant dinner table centerpiece I took a glass vase added evergreen tree clippings, pinecones, and a cute little bird on a nest.


On the coffee table I set a basket tray with a glass bowl full of pinecones, handmade an “oh deer” sign and a pair of papier-mâché antlers.


Hung my handmade personalized stockings on the stair banister with some garland. At our home we open our stocking on Christmas Eve as a preview of what’s to come Christmas morning.


Placed our stuffed nativity scene characters on a table in our front entrance. Honoring Jesus Christ the reason for the season.


Took some rustic garland that I had stored from a previous Christmas. Made a couch throw with two yards of flannel deer print fabric I bought at Jo-Ann.


Credit for the Christmas village goes to my husband Maurice. He purchases a new house or village item from Kohl’s each year.



In my boys bedroom I put a Star Wars Christmas tree and sign.


Other Christmas touches around our home

Merry Christmas!


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